Sunday, January 11, 2015

A New Chapter

It just dawned on me. I am a junior college student. I only have a year and a half left of college and then I am done. I will graduate, hopefully get a full time job in my field, and never have homework again. When did this happen?

This week I have been struggling to adjust to the fact that winter break is coming to a close and a new semester is starting shortly tomorrow. Christmas came and left so quickly I barely noticed it took place; we toasted in the the New Year with disgusting champagne and old movies; the decorations have been placed back in the basement to hibernate another year and I thought my enthusiasm went with them. 

This is starting to change. 

Slowly, I have had a creeping feeling of excitement growing throughout the day. I have an exciting semester ahead of me filled with classes such as Photoshop, Video Production, and Photo/Visual Communication; and a great team to work with on the college newspaper. 

Good things are coming. I can feel it.

Hello New Year and last semester of my junior year!

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